Practitioners of the Chiren or Starlight Devices are intensively trained
Biophotons, or ultra-weak photon emissions of biological systems, are electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum – in other words: light.
About Sessions
Biophoton light sessions are safe, painless, and non-invasive that use light to correct imbalances in the body’s energy system.
Since 1993
Light, the Universal Source
Biophoton Light Therapy is a safe and painless, non-invasive wellness technique that uses light information to measure and correct imbalances in your body’s energy system. Imbalances can result from a range of problems including illness, trauma, emotional stress, disease, and physical injuries. The negative effects of these complications are by nature reversible. Using resonate vibrational light as a catalyst for change, this technique uses a highly effective measuring instrument “The Chiren®", to both lessen and eliminate the impact on your health issues.
Biophoton Light was recently developed in Europe as a natural, alternative means of promoting health and well-being by using your body’s own light. Relying on Traditional Chinese Medicine’s body meridians as road maps, The Chiren® measures, tests and modulates recorded light information through the body's energetic structure. No needles or medications are administered. Simply put, information is used to cancel out the incoherent light, and return the body back to its “original blueprint.” Thus, by removing the root cause of symptoms, the intelligence of the body can once again direct the healing process.
The science of light measurement and wellness, is a holistic approach to vibrant health, combining the ancient wisdom of the East with the technology of the West. It has been used effectively on tens of thousands of people of all ages, with both acute and chronic conditions.