American Biophoton Association
American Biophoton Association is comprised of Biophoton Light Practitioners located throughout North America who have successfully completed the course of study of Biophoton Light Practice. These practitioners keep their skills up to date by attending our annual professional conference and additional continuing education workshops.
American Biophoton Practitioners believe in the innate intelligence of the body’s immune system. We are focused on restoring the basic foundation of our client’s health in a safe and non-invasive way. We identify the underlying root causes of symptoms and allow the body to shift it's disharmony with biophoton light.
The goal is to assist the body in regaining its capacity for self-healing by encouraging and rebooting the immune system, thereby aiding in healing on a physical, emotional and mental level.

Find a Practitioner
Practitioners assess and balance using the Chinese energy meridians with biophoton light. A medical doctor is the only one that can diagnose or treat disease. Biophoton sessions should not be used as a substitute for advice from your physician. Click on the button to the right for a list of practicing Biophoton Light Practitioners worldwide.